Last week a fellow blogger one who has helped me to get where I am had the coolest game in her group! It was called Coupon Bingo!! Yes that is right Christina at WNY DEALS& TO DOs had this game and I actually won for the first time in a long time at something!!! So my prizes came today and even though I only asked for the Tops Mailer she sent me a bunch of awesome coupons including a 1.00 Tops money monopoly piece!! If you haven't looked at her page for WnyDeals&to dos you should before I did match ups I used to check her page!! Since I have become a blogger myself she has helped me to do a ton of things this blogging stuff isnt as easy as she made it look!! Including without her help not sure I could bring you so many cool deals and direct links. I also suggest joining her group found here! You wont want to miss the next fun game she may have.