What is making my list is below with breakdown of coupons I will be using I will be using 10 coupons or less per transaction this week to maximize gas point earning
Whole Bnls pork loins $1,68/lb (AWESOME DEAL CLICK HERE to see how ) I am not sure on exact cost but hoping for a 10 lb one = $16 for a TON of chops this cost will be in addition to the deal below
10 Prego Alfredo sauce $1.50 --------------------------------------------$15.00
9 Canada Dry $.88 (merchandized by coke in most areas ) ------$7.92
4 VO5 Shampoo or conditioner $.89 (HBC GAS PTS) --------------$3.56
4 Halls cough drops $1.50 (HBC GAS PT ) -----------------------------$6.00
1 disc Gear deodorant $2.49 HBC gas pt ) -----------------------------$2.49
8 Hefty Slider bags $1.67 --------------------------------------------------$13.34
8 Jello Pudding or gelatin $1 in the buy 10 get 100 gas pt box ---$8.00
2 juicy Fruit gum $1 and part of the buy 10 box -----------------------$2.00
4 Wise Chips $2 ---------------------------------------------------------------$8.00
4 Tai Pei Entrees $2 ---------------------------------------------------------$8.00
4 Mama Rosies pizzas $1---------------------------------------------------$4.00
2 raisin Bran (part of the Buy 4 get 200 pts ) --------------------------$5.00
2 Golden Grahams $2.50 part of the buy 4 for 200 pts box -------$2.00
4 Sugardale Hot Dogs $1.25 ----------------------------------------------$5.00
I will get 100 gas points for the buy 10 box
I will get 200 gas points for the buy 4 cereal gas box
I will get 100 Gas points for the Health and Beauty in ad Gas point coupon
I will get 400 gas points for use of 10 or less coupons per transaction so that each coupon will net me 10 gas points
TOTAL GAS POINTS SHOULD BE BEFORE PTS FOR SPEND 820= $.80/gal = $24 worth of gas after I get my 30 gallons
below are the coupons i am using
using 4 of the $.50/1 Sugardale coupon from the 2/7 Smartsource
using 1 of the $1/2 General Mills Printable here and
using 2 of the $.50/1 Raisin Bran print here
using 2 of the $1/2 Mama Rosies printable Coupon here
using 4 of the $1/1 Tai Pei entree printable here
using 2 of the $1/2 Wise Chips printable here and pay $1.50
using 2 of the $.50/1 Juicy fruit coupon print now NLA
using 2 of the $1/4 Jello print
using 4 of the Hefty slider coupon in the 1/3 Redplum that some areas got which is a $.50/1
using 2 of the $1/2 Hefty Slider bags printable coupon here
using 1 of the Tops in ad Gas points for health and beauty coupons for $10- spend
Using 1 Tops Health and beauty $2 off $10 coupon found in some stores
using 2 of the $1/2 Halls coupon in the 2/7 Smartsource and pay $1
using 3 of the $1/3 canada dry printable here
use 2 of the $.50/2 VO5 Printable here sort by brand Alberto to find easier and pay $.39
using 10 of the the $1/1 Alfredo sauce coupon in the 1/3 Smartsource
Total out of pocket should be $46 and after using my $24 in gas like I paid just $22 for all the items above NOTE I have not yet added pork loin in yet cause I am not positive on cost
Tops 2/21 -2/27 Ad Scan click here
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