* You will want to scan your card AFTER all coupons have been scanned. Available BonusCash is automatically deducted as soon as you scan your card. This will cause some of your coupons to possibly not apply. Some cashiers may argue about this; however, there is no written corporate policy that states you have to scan your card first. I suggest politely explaining that you have coupons and want to use them before BonusCash.
* You can find a list of your accumulated BonusCash in the L2C section of Rite Aid's website and on the app. This requires that your card be registered online.
UPDATED 12/18/17 -
We finally have some new information regarding the new Wellness+ BonusCash Rewards program. Details are still slow to come out, and there are still lots of questions that aren't answered (especially for us couponers), but here are the answers to some pressing questions - these questions/answers come directly from Rite Aid
What is BonusCash?
Wellness+ BonusCash Rewards allow wellness+ members to earn extra value by purchasing designated products with the opportunity to redeem that value on subsequent purchase only at Rite Aid stores or online at RiteAid.com
When do the new BonusCash offers start?
The new wellness+ BonusCash Rewards will begin December 31st and will be advertised in the December 31st ad ciruclar
Does BonusCash replace Planti points?
While Rite Aid will remain a participating member of Plenti, our loyalty program will incorporate wellness+ BonusCash moving forward.Customers will receive BonusCash Rewards instead of Plenti points for promotional offers including pharmacy transfers, targeted offers, and promotional overlays
Is the Plenti program ending?
Rite Aid continues to be a participating partner with Plenti
What is the value savings with BonusCash awards?
Wellness+ BonusCash Rewards will be issued in fixed amounts like $1, $5, $25, and loaded directly to a member's wellness+ account
How do wellness+ members earn BonusCash?
BonusCash can be earned by purchasing qualifying products in the store or online at RiteAid.com
When can wellness+ members redeem their Bonus Cash awards?
Wellness+ BonusCash Rewards will be available to members to redeem starting at 6:00 a.m. EST the day after BonusCash is added to their wellness+ account
How do members redeem their BonusCash?
To redeem BonusCash, a member's purchase(s) must be of equal or higher value than the available BonusCash. For example, if a member has $5 in Bonus Cash, the member's purchase(s) must be $5 or more. If the purchase(s) qualify, the BonusCash will automatically be deducted during the transaction
Can BonusCash be used toward the purchase of all Rite Aid products?
The same exclusions that apply to plenti points also aply to BonusCash, including tobacco products, alcohol, gift cards, lottery, licenses, money services, newspapers, prepaid cards, stamps, mailing services, dairy, prescriptions in New York, New Jersey, Alabama, Mississippi, and Oregon, items distributed by RediClinic and where prohibited by law. Other limitations and/or restrictions may apply based on state law or other applicable requirements
Is there a limited time period for redeeming BonusCash?
Yes. BonusCash Rewards will expire 60 days after they are issued
How can members track their BonusCash Rewards?
BonusCash will be visible in the member's Load2Card digital wallet online at RiteAid.com or in the Rite Aid mobile app. Each BonusCash Reward will be listed with its value and expiration date.
Can members choose to build up their BonusCash and use it at their discretion?
Members will not be prompted at the register pin pad to redeem BonusCash; BonusCash will be deducted automatically for qualifying purchases
How will customers know if their BonusCash has been redeemed at the checkout?
The BonusCash savings will automatically by subtracted from the transaction total and will be visible on the member's receipt
If members have accrued more than one BonusCash Reward, how will this be deducted when they make a qualifying purchase?
If a member has accrued more than one BonusCash award, each BonusCash award will be deducted during the transaction in order of the closest expiration date
Can new members still enroll in wellness+ with Plenti?
Yes, enrollment in wellness+ with Plenti will remain the same, and the wellness+ with Plenti card will continue to be issued for new members
Will Rite Aid continue to redeem Plenti points?
Yes, Rite Aid will continue to redeem Plenti points
Can both BonusCash and Plenti points be used in the same transaction at the checkout?
Yes. For members with both Plenti points and BonusCash available at checkout, the register pin pad will ask customers if they want to use their plenti points. Once the customer makes this selection, BonusCash will be automatically deducted from the purchase, then the plenti points will be used toward the remaining balance
That's the official word from Rite Aid as of today. Here is what I am getting from this information:
* Rite Aid will still be a plenti partner, and you will be able to redeem plenti points.
* Starting 12/31/17, you will no longer earn plenti points at Rite Aid; you will earn BonusCash.
* BonusCash will be earned in specific increments and can only be redeemed in those same increments. In other words, if you have a $10 BonusCash reward but your transaction is only $8, you will not be able to use your reward.
* BonusCash will be automatically applied to your transaction when applicable - you will not have the choice whether to use the BonusCash nor will you have control over which BonusCash reward is applied. BonusCash will be applied according to which one is closest to expiration. In other words, if you have a $5 BonusCash that expires in 30 days and a $10 BonusCash that expires in 31 days, the $5 reward will be applied automatically. So if your transaction total is $10, the $5 will be applied and you will have $5 out of pocket.
* BonusCash expires 60 days after it is issued. You can track your BonusCash online or in the app.
* If you have BonusCash and plenti points available, BonusCash will be applied first.
POSTED 12/6/17 -
Beginning 12/31/17, we are going to see some changes to Rite Aid's loyalty rewards system. Not much is known at this time (at least at the store management level). I will keep this post updated as new information becomes available.
Here is what we know so far:
* Rite Aid will remain a participating plenti member, so you will be able to continue to redeem your points at Rite Aid
* Starting 12/31, you will earn Wellness+ Bonus Cash instead of plenti points
* You will earn Bonus Cash by purchasing qualifying products each week
This is all the information we have so far. I know, there are tons of unanswered questions. I'll keep you all updated!!
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Post by Kim Meroney