( THESE ITEMS CAN BE ANY HEALTH AND BEAUTY or HBC items in the store) the gas points spend amount is before the manufacturer coupons but to be safe scan the in ad coupon FIRST
gas pt bonus PDF found in store or HERE!!!! f
if you get $20 worth of products scan the Gas pt coupon then the above coupon and then manufacturer coupons if you have them but really anything you pick will cost without manufacturer coupons $15 out of pocket and also you get $9 worth of gas here in NY if you get all 30 gallons of gas
In summary what you want to do is:
BUY $20 in health and Beauty also includes vitamins Bars ETC
1) SCAN THE BELOW COUPON FIRST FOUND IN AD this will give you your 300 pts (if at $20 after in store sale prices )
2) SCAN the coupon from Tops in store or $5 off $20 coupon PDF here scan this second!!!! (below Pics go in the order you want to scan them )
3) Scan any Manufacturer coupons you have last
below the pics are some scenarios for you but if you dont like them match ups to the whole ad are HERE
Buy 2 Soft Soap Body wash ---------------------------$7.00
Buy 4 Dial Foaming Hand soap -----------------------$8.00
Buy 4 Halls Cough Drops $1.25 ----------------------$5.00
TOTAL BEFORE COUPONS -------------------------$20.00
SCAN THE GAS PT COUPON FIRST FOUND IN AD this will give you your 300 pts
SCAN the coupon from Tops site ad page coupon in store or here scan this second!!!! it will take off $5 off $20
use 2 of the $1/2 Halls coupon from the 2/8 or 1/11 Smartsources or print one here and pay $.7
use 2 of the $.75/1 Soft Soap printable here under zipcode 77477 pay as low as $2 with it
Use 2 of the $1/2 Dial foaming hand soap coupon from the 2/8 Redplum
PAY $8.00 and get 300 Gas pts a $9.00 Value in NY and $18 in PA any way you cut it a money maker!!!!!!
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