4 Bushs Hummus $1.67 --------------------------------------------------$6.67
2 Zest FruitBoost Body wash $1.50 -------------------------------------$3.00
2 Pop Tarts $2 ----------------------------------------------------------------$4.00
2 Campbells Skillet Sauce $2.50 Unadvertised Deal --------------$5.00
2 Zone perfect $1 ------------------------------------------------------------$2.00
Use 4 doublers and then
use 1 of the $.50/2 Zone Perfect print here
use 2 of the $.75/1 Campbells Skillet Sauce Print here
use 2 of the $.50/1 Pop Tarts printable coupon here
use 2 of the $1/1 Fruitboost coupon in the 9/11 Smartsource or print one here both say DO NOT DOUBLE so cant be used with doubler
Use 4 of any of the $1/1 Hummus Made easy prints one for classic one for Black Bean or Red Pepper all three will be clipped
Depending on if you get the Overage after doubler on the Hummus pay $4.67 - $5.66 and get 100 gas pts for coupon use!!!!
- FREEBIE FILLERS AND Unadvertised Doubler week deals here
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- More Smart Smart Qpon Clips and Deals CLICK HERE